daniel.aagentah submitted a new Showcase Item: [url=https://www.audio-forums.com/showcase/_new-world-audio-visual-midi-to-javascript-projections.9/][_new world] audio-visual MIDI-to-Javascript projections[/url] [quote]Easy all! I'd like to present some progress to my latest project. It's been a lot of fun to combine my programming and music backgrounds to create something like this. To share a little info, the concept is called [_new world], and it is a Javascript-based library that uses real-time MIDI data to generate audio-reactive visuals in the browser. Using the 'webmidi' library, the session listens for MIDI triggers from an active Ableton Live session, and uses the channel, note velocity, and note-length to create active modules and on-screen animations. [URL]https://youtube.com/shorts/m25yYirPq5M[/URL] If you'd like to learn more, I've been sharing updates on my website & socials. [URL]https://daniel.aagentah.tech/[/URL] [URL]https://www.instagram.com/daniel.aagentah/[/URL] Have a sick week ahead! D x[/quote] [url=https://www.audio-forums.com/showcase/_new-world-audio-visual-midi-to-javascript-projections.9/]Read more about this showcase item here...[/url]