Antonio I have decided to keep the Amator IIs they are just sooooo good. The S/F Conertino was very bright as was the Quad and I could not live with either. Both are very highly rated but I cannot see what the fuss is about. My system now comprises Quad 99CDP (£900 - but this includes the built in pre-amp) plus Quad 909 power amp (£900) and Amator IIs (£3100 including stands) and I am really happy with it. GrahamN said a while back that he believes in spending much more on speakers that other components and whilst Antonio has not done this - he just loves the AIIs - I think that Graham is right. I much preferred to listen to the Quad with my Amator IIs than my Wadia transport and DAC with the cheap S/F Concertinos! I put this down to mid range (£1000 price point) CDPs being 'good enough' to front a system where the amp and speakers cost more. Sure, the Wadia was very superior to the Quad but it is the system as a whole that is important. Yes it is back to the 70s (pre the rantings of a man from Glasgow!) Now that sources are so good I think that source first is not so important. Dominic