Any X-Can V2 Headphone Amps still going cheap in UK?


VTEC Addict
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
The Toon
See title, I might be interested in getting an Musical Fidelity X-Can V2 headphone amp if the price is right, so if anyone knows of somewhere selling these things off cheap then could they let me know... Cheers :)
Originally posted by PBirkett
See title, I might be interested in getting an Musical Fidelity X-Can V2 headphone amp if the price is right, so if anyone knows of somewhere selling these things off cheap then could they let me know... Cheers :)

They're probably the MOst constantly over bid on bit of MF X kit on ebay, so probably not worth trying there. I got mine from a dealer in Covent Garden (can't remember what it's called now :confused: ), they were selling them cheaper than everywhere else at the time (last xmas). They'll pop up on ebay regularly. But would be better (cheaper) to get them from other classifieds.

Cheers MO, I think I might have found one for £90 at my local hifi shop Lintone, so I am gonna try there tomorrow. Supposed to be a match made in heaven with the CD3ks and they are unfortunately exposing the weaknesses of the headphone jack of my amp for the first time I suspect... :(
Originally posted by PBirkett
Cheers MO, I think I might have found one for £90 at my local hifi shop Lintone, so I am gonna try there tomorrow. Supposed to be a match made in heaven with the CD3ks and they are unfortunately exposing the weaknesses of the headphone jack of my amp for the first time I suspect... :(

So, what happened to no MOre upgrades then????

I believe that's a million billion squillion hours of piss taking you are now due to recieve.

New cans? Please do expand......

I give up trying to say I'm not gonna upgrade, it just isnt working :lol:

Yes I bought the Sony MDR-CD3000 headphones for £250 imported from Japan. I'd wanted them for months. And they sound very nice, but not much better than my £60 Beyers and given the massive reputation they've got on headfi, something MUST be wrong somewhere, and I'm suspecting the amp, since other people use it with similar sources to mine quite happily...

The X-CAN V2 is touted to be a superb combo with the CD3000's too, and @ £90 well its the cost of a night out, so worth pursuing I guess...

Using it with the Rotel I hear a "veil" as if its not quite coming through as clearly as it should if you get me....
When you got your next upgarde Mr. You'll all wankers can't heere a difference Birkett :D
Give it a week, then ask me how to make them sound great for a mere £34, and even you can do it Paul :)
For £90 it's gotta be worth it! If it doesn't work then you'll alMOst definately get £120+ (approx) on ebay for it.
Blimey! A night out 6:00-3:00am will cost me around £30 all in all.
Thats for aorund 8 pints, club entry etc. I just get the bus there and back so no hassle with taxis etc.

£30 will buy you a half decent interconnect. Erm I know which I would rather have. (the night out of course).
Originally posted by wadia-miester
When you got your next upgarde Mr. You'll all wankers can't heere a difference Birkett :D
Give it a week, then ask me how to make them sound great for a mere £34, and even you can do it Paul :)

I may well do that :)
Originally posted by amazingtrade
Blimey! A night out 6:00-3:00am will cost me around £30 all in all.
Thats for aorund 8 pints, club entry etc. I just get the bus there and back so no hassle with taxis etc.

£30 will buy you a half decent interconnect. Erm I know which I would rather have. (the night out of course).

OK, £90 would be an expensive night if I am being honest. Its normally anywhere between £40 and £70. I cant get a bus back to mine at 3am though because none run :( and its a tenner for a taxi.
About the colour of his underpants.........

About 'Any X-Can V2 Headphone Amps still going cheap in UK?' :rolleyes:

Ask him

1) do you have a spare x-can v2 for sale?
2) if so how much?


i know nothing.
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Lintone had sold their £90 model and only had a v1 for £80. But I managed to get a one for £100 s/hand with a 3 month guarantee from sevenoaks.

So I'll likely be hassling WM in the near future for his £34 upgrades :D
Has the x-can v3 been reviewed in any of the rags since its Aug release? i don't buy 'em no more.

my local dealer is stocking them, i may take my cans down one weekend for a quick pickle.
I dunno, but I was *almost* tempted to see if I could get the V3 on chuckie. I resisted though, and I am sitting here with the X-Can V2. A much better headphone amp than I thought it would be, if it can sound considerably better than it already does with these Sony's then the mind boggles as to how good it could sound... :D
nah! MF shite mate! All style and no substance! ;)