Bel Canto


Good Evening.... Infidel
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
In a world of pain
Right, need some information/advice, and I'm fairly sure where some of it will be coming from. :D

Which is only fair, 'cos it's his fault.

Right, I've heard the Bel Canto evo 200.4. And liked it. A lot.

Now, looking ahead some way, I'd like to get a bel canto, but the question is what? So a few questions:

Is the 200.2 worth buying? Do I need 2?

Is the evo2i worth buying? I like the look of this one, but will it be powerful enough (I know the power stage is essentially the same as the 200.2)?

Speakers are likely to be meadowlarks (blame the same person!), CD will initially be my present rotel, although the upgrades will be further on by then. This has balanced, but non-variable outs, hence my interest in the evo2i.

Advice, opinions, suggestions, etc appreciated.
Is the 200.2 worth buying? Do I need 2?

Is the evo2i worth buying? I like the look of this one, but will it be powerful enough (I know the power stage is essentially the same as the 200.2)?

Yes, no, yes, yes:)
Don't know about the differences between the Bel canto amps, but if you go for a Bel canto / Meadowlark combo, you MUST add a Wadia CD player :D
Originally posted by Isaac Sibson
Right, need some information/advice, and I'm fairly sure where some of it will be coming from. :D

Which is only fair, 'cos it's his fault.

Right, I've heard the Bel Canto evo 200.4. And liked it. A lot.

Now, looking ahead some way, I'd like to get a bel canto, but the question is what? So a few questions:

Is the 200.2 worth buying? Do I need 2?

Is the evo2i worth buying? I like the look of this one, but will it be powerful enough (I know the power stage is essentially the same as the 200.2)?

Speakers are likely to be meadowlarks (blame the same person!), CD will initially be my present rotel, although the upgrades will be further on by then. This has balanced, but non-variable outs, hence my interest in the evo2i.

Advice, opinions, suggestions, etc appreciated.

Hi Isaac

Hope this doesnt sound patronising

Have you heard these components in your own home, or just at Tonys?

At that price point, you really have to go with a home dem, and just as Tone did try lots of other products at the same price point. It may/may not be the best combo for you in your own home..

I remember him trying loads of amps/speaker combinations before finding what worked best in his house... maybe some products to add to the shortlist is the best way to view it?
Yeah, I thought people might notice that it bears resemblances to a certain well known system. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and it sounds damn good...
I have had the belcanto in my system a couple of times with various ccombinations of kit and it always sounds fab. I think its a pretty safe bet myself.

Try to get one cheap from audiogon. They come up quite often and are usually very nicely priced.

bottleneck - True, I've only heard them at his, but at present my living arrangements are relatively transient (I could move out next week, I could be here for years).

However, there are some qualities of the system (eg the unflappable nature of the Bel canto amps). I'm aware that tone's system is set up in an exemplary manner, and I'm not going to match it, plus I'm going for a slightly (but only slightly) different sound, but that difference is likely as not in cabling and certainly the CD player.

Anyway, this is a long way off, but I like to get my research in and be aware of what the options are. The other thing is that it seems that 200.2s are available at reasonablish money, so I'm just looking for ideas. If anyone has decent alternatives to suggest, I'll add them to the list too...
and the meadow larks?

what if they upset certain room frequencies in his house?

what if a standmount might have worked better, or a sub/sat set up?

what if a sub/sat works better, and his chosen favorite sats dont work with the belcanto especially well?

I wouldnt normally be this ...whats the word... pedantic? - but thats a SHITLOAD of money to spend if it turns out not to be the best option for you Isaac.

Over to you... buy in haste repent at leisure thats all Im saying..

or ...

demo demo demo demo demo demo demo demo!
at home!

:D :D you know it makes sense, its just youve tried something good and now you want it.
bottleneck - Sure, but that's why I'm asking the questions. I'm not going to go out and buy the thing tomorrow. I'm identifying potential candidates. Since I've not heard a system that's matched tone's, despite having heard more expensive ones, I think there's something there.
Originally posted by Isaac Sibson
bottleneck - True, I've only heard them at his, but at present my living arrangements are relatively transient (I could move out next week, I could be here for years).

So what will you do? - buy them and then go househunting with speakers under one arm and amp in the other?.... hunting for the house that fits the system youve bought?

Ive made that mistake, oh about 4 times now.


Havent heard the meadowlarks (or Tones system, but Im going to fix that)... but I have heard the Evo II and Tones Evo IV, and just like every hifi component, its about synergy and setting it up in an appropriate room.

I wouldnt want to add anything to the list, but at around £4k - £5k for speakers and an amp, the choice is just vast, and some of it IN THE RIGHT ROOM would sound worse, and some of it better.

Id even be suprised it Tone disagreed with me himself.

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Originally posted by Isaac Sibson
bottleneck - Sure, but that's why I'm asking the questions. I'm not going to go out and buy the thing tomorrow. I'm identifying potential candidates. Since I've not heard a system that's matched tone's, despite having heard more expensive ones, I think there's something there.

Shit yeah, definately.

I would personally say that they are...

1) An amp driving the speakers properly
2) Driving a power amp straight from the CDP
3) Hot rods and mods, especially to isolation and pwer supplies

Tone will probably come round now and telling me Im talking dog cack..

I've had these speakers (DM602) for 7 years, and in that time they've been used (extensively) in four rooms. One room really sucked, but then it was my halls room at uni so it was small, and the speakers ended up against the wall (602s need space). They work best in the room they're in now, although the second best was the room they were initially in (but the others were the halls room, and my later uni digs). Point being that things can work perfectly well in many situations, and I think that's true of an amp like the bel canto. It might be less true of the speakers, but we'll see how we go.
Hi ,just my tupence worth,I too have heard Tones stuff, be bit late one night,
I bought a pair of speakers that he had,paired with the belcano's
so by shear luck I had the chance to buy evo at goodish money
tried it at my home with my gear for an afternoon and.........didnt buy it..........

I just like to add the AVI lab series to your list of possible amps
i was very sceptical..............wrongly cos I,ve now got one
if your near me your welcome to a try at your gaff

Just to throw this in the mixwhy not built a class 'T' :eek: I've built the odd one or 2 would cost no more than say £800 for a 2 times 360 watter
The evo i is for wannabe valve boys that want power with the hassle of valves, but it has to have a suitable cdp with it, I prefer the power amps, for valve boys wishing to have bass control and slam to make em cry, try a DECENT valve pre or a spectral DC12 .I've had my Bro's DC30? in here with some of those valhalla slayers and it was about the only pre I would consider, (that I've heard)
Please do remeber,that WM's system resemables nothing like anyone else's and that virtauly everything would be turned back by the makers :D if a warrenty claim should arise
Oh, even the meadowlarks are tweeked problem is you can't buy this sort of playing around 'off the shelf' unless you have a healthy bank balance, please form a 'Q' here :cool: WM
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Originally posted by bottleneck
Id even be suprised it Tone disagreed with me himself.


Well Chris he's not :) Took me a long Time to 'Suss' the right parts, for the sound I like (which remeber is not what most of you guys like)
Always try the kit in the place where it's going to reside, the amp being the heart of the system' should be as good as you can afford, speaker cables reasonably transprent, the source, as YOU like it :) speakers are seriously personal and very room dependent. again for the live with feel, you need a good week or 2 to aclimitise to it.
Besides it could all sound wrong in your room. just got to take your time try loads I'm afraid. WM