Guys I am at the end of my teather! I have a girly ford KA. The stereo has always been fine but recently has been exhibiting distortion. ITs a crackly noise which is evident throughout the radio frequency even when there is nothing tuned. I don't believe its the arial as this problem only occurs once the engine is started, and the crackle speeds up with the engine revs. If the engine is off then the stereo is just fine. Also its not the stereo as I have two of them the basic model and a 6000 CD player model both exhibiting the same probelm. If any one has any ideas I would really appriciate it, I travel a fair way each day and I can hardly hear the radio any more. Also if any one knows of a friendly car forum, cheers. P.S. I would take it too the ford dealership here, but if I get within 200 yards of that place it costs me 200 quid.