Concentric Potentiometer

Discussion in 'DIY Discussion' started by Sean, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. Sean


    Mar 12, 2017
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    Hello all,

    I'm new to the forum and hope to get some help and advice from some wise geezers out there.

    I'm looking to do a mod of my guitars (2 fenders and 2 gibsons) where I want to install a CONCENTRIC (stacked) volume pot on each one. For the Fenders, I'm looking for some 250k/250k Ohms pots and for the Gibsons, some 500k/500k Ohms ones. I need two of each with corresponding knobs.

    I was wondering if you know of a website or place in the UK where I could source some for not too expensive and where I don't need to ship them half way around the world. Places like and eBay and stuff have some but not from the same suppliers, not the same type or not even in stock...

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


    Sean, Mar 12, 2017
    Katia Gao likes this.
  2. Sean


    Apr 24, 2017
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    We'd need to know the usage. Does it involve a better quality volume control and if so what variety of better do you want done? Describe please. As for what you already have, what did it do wrong (or needs improvement)?

    As for me, I can imagine a lot, but haven't managed any guesses this time.
    danielwritesback, Apr 26, 2017
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