Hello everyone! I recently took the plunge into the world of digital and bought a RME ADI-2 DAC fs to facilitate listening to streamed music via my new 470 ohm headphones. I have no complaints about the sound, in-fact it is fantastic. But as someone who is always wanting more (greedy!!) and also believing in the notion that separates will often be better, I was wondering if I would there would be a dedicated headphone amp that would sound noticeably better than plugging into the RME? I have read that it is difficult to extrapolate figures/spec from the RME specific to the headphone amp, as they are often merged with the DAC. I would only want to spend about £500, would anyone have any suggestions please, or (as I have read a few reviewers say) would I not be able to better the RME? I have looked at Lake People G111, Lehmann Drachenfels and the Music Fidelity MX-HPA, but not being in the slightest bit technical, I cannot even guess how they might compare! Thank you in advance! Steven