is ray his 1st name? not conisdering, I know someone who picked up his kt88 on ebay managed to try it myself, didn't like at all, thin, funny treble. the el34 was better.
Are you refering to the Raymond Lin who used to post on the Various forums a few years ago. I always though he seemed like a nice friendly chap, into his Marantz cdp's and taking photo's IIRC. The fella who this ad refers to might be the same guy who upset so many people over on HFC a few months ago, even wishing 'the worst' on one particularly nice guy who had cancer. Won't be seeing any of my disposable, what goes around should come around in my book.
. It was incident Sid and Coke mentioned that I was referring to. If I've slurred anyones character however inadvertantly, I apologise.
It still appears to be a good price for whats on offer - even without a photo. If I were interested in a first valve amp, I would be bidding up to about 200ish
Right, I am Raymond Lin, Architecture student (currently), like my Marantz stuff, take a few photos in my spare time. Another forum member (MO!) told me about this thread and if anything i like to clear things up. i don't know who this guy is on ebay, i've only ever sold 1 thing on ebay and it wasn't even HiFi related, it was a DVD and that was 2/3 years ago. As for Sid and Coke, i remember you mate, you got a few Marantz stuff too as i remember. Thanks for remember me too, not posted in a Hifi related forum for like 2 years, a little suprise people actually remember my name !
I remembered (from photo.net long before HFC even!)... The confusion arose I guess because the name that the person selling stuff on ebay used on hfc was Lim_valve. I did want to make clear that you're not to be confused. And welcome to ZG!
I've got some Marantz stuff mixed in with my Linn stuff. Does this make me the most dangerous man in the world (after Peter Singer)?