E-mu 0404 Usb 2.0 Interface

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by rollo, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. rollo


    Nov 30, 2006
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    N.Y. U.S.A.
    My fellow audio club member has been bugging me to listen to the E-MU through his laptop.Being a vinyl man mostly and listening to CD's through the Lector CDP 7tl I really had no interest.
    However my buddy is quite persistent so we hooked it up fed it through the Promitheus TVC and well to say the least we were quite impressed.I never in my wildest dreams thought this $199 unit would last more than an hour in my system.
    All I can say is I want one now.Did it smoke the Lector NO but it was clearly better in some areasThe Lector is 20x more expensive and should be a hell of a lot better.Overall the Lector has more body and soul with the E-mu more neutral.
    We listened for about 5 HRS.When we substituted the Bent TVC the combo was just to good to believe.
    If your into PC based front end BUY THIS UNIT NOW it is one of the new wonders of the audio world.
    rollo, Jan 8, 2007
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