amp = wharfedale duel mono 2050a turntable = rega planer 3 / rb300 / at115e + spare at110 tuner = nad 4020a cd = marantz cd52 + remote speakers = mordaunt short ms902 signature speaker stands= atacama headphones = seinheiser hd497 very long cable,3 meters give or take. interconnects= ixos 102 master referance + ixos 1003 speaker cable = qed silver annaversary 2x4.5 meters + gold plated banana plugs x 8 rack = audiotechnica, 4 shelves , spiked amp,cd and tuner have sheilded mains cable upgrades leading into one four way multiplug, speakerstands are sand filled and the whole thing sits on a slab of marble. will split , open to offers. will be putting on e bay begining of next week.