This thread is probably for I.T people only :) I have been looking at the list it includes some interesting things and HIFI releated stuff: One of them is to create an algorithm for an audio compression format then use C++ to write a program that will compress .wav file. This is far beyond abilities Another one is to write a website that calculates the optimium position of speakers in a room according to where the listener is sat These both seem quite hard, another is to produce a site teaching you how SACD (partly invented at my university for Sony) and DVD-A. However all these a bit too difficult, one that cought my eye was to produce a simple robot that can be controlled over the internet the robot must use the USB interface and be driven by a stepper motor. The program basicaly controls the stepper motor but must be controlled over IPV4. One project that cought me eye was to create a virtual learning evironment that can also be operated offline and then uploaded to the central database later. This seems to have some difficulty but perhaps dosn't involve as much maths. The other projects are stuff like create an online shop in ASP.NET but I don't this will be much of a challange. Basicialy should I go for an easy project that I will do well in or do somthing more ambigitous but not do so well? The later will have scope for more marks but I am not too sure. :) :)