The so'n'sos did it to me again. There I was, harmlessly on my way to town, and on came this absolutely gorgeous rendition ot the slow movement of Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez, the most beautiful I think I've ever heard. It came from this: [IMG][/IMG] and I bought it. OK, this isn't earth-shaking music, but it is very pleasant listening, and Sharon Isbin is a marvellous guitarist with what appears to my ears to be a nearly flawless technique - very few scrapings on the strings, the most rapid runs having all the notes like a string of pearls. It won't replace Bach cantatas in my affections any time soon, but it's enjoyable and beautifully executed. (It is apparently the first time that the NY Phil has ever recorded with a guitarist, and it follows on from a sensationally successful concert pairing).