Can anyone compare the sound with the floorstanding Spendor models S6e and S8e ? Obviously, the S8e will give much more body to the sound, fundamentally because of it's dimensions, but perhaps the S6e is a better comparison to work on. I am particularly interested in whether the response curv has humps or dips in the mid/presence areas. I have haering loss, not just up high, but I have pronounced dips as low as just under 2khz and on, at lower volumes. So I might want to avoid a speaker that dips around 2, 3, 4, 5, kind of levels. Paradoxically, I actually found the Spendor S8e pretty transparent vocally, which is a surprise, but it did seem to lack traits like cymbal bite higher up compared to others. How do the Neat Elite SE's compare ? What is the overall character of their sound ?