Is anone having trouble getting here?


Wish I had a Large Member
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know if its me or what but quite often recently Ican't get to this forum, it says the network connection was reset because the server was busy, or server not found?

am I alone?

If I remember correctly, you are on broadband which is prone to a dropping of power on the LAN settings.

Ring your technical helpline, because what you have is the classic symptoms.


I'm on broadband too,and get the same problem,"cannot find server",like as mick says the power drops,a real pain.
if it fails to load up try typing:

The question mark at the end of the URL is very important as it resets the DNS request in a browsing session, so if a site fails to load doing that some times solves it.

I'm on broadband too, well ADSL to be exact, but I have had no problems with Zerogain not loading but I have had problems with some other sites.

no probs here.

just to rub it in.......he he.

You guessed it
yes I'm having that problem as well as the posting problem.......I'm on broadband too

Whats this about the question mark ......I'd like to know more
I have been spaking with NTL, amazingly I got through in 30 seconds today!

anyhoo we did all sorts of stuff, pings and traceroutes etc.

We could not find anything wrong per say. As it goes I have been having alot of trouble aorund the web. He suggested it could be something to do with the balster worm and the amount of firewalls requesting info right now. He said they had been getting problems from american website still.

He took me through everything it could be and my connection is good, so I am at a loss really. I have specified DNS server adresses to see if that helps.

The guy did suggest that some people go onto the web and find server addresses to use which sometimes are better.

He was in no way saying Ishould try that, but only that people do.

Any ideas what the hell he was on about!
I can't remember exactly what the question mark does but when you type in the address in the browser it then looks under the .com DNS (domain name server) which is a large database of domain names and their IP addresses to the servers the website is hosted on. So when you type in it looks up the DNS server and finds the IP address for the server.

Some times I am not sure why when you type a URL in the it dosn't get the information from the DNS server properly thus the browser dosn't know the IP address so cannot display anything.

When you place a question mark after the URL it forces the browser to look up the DNS server again, where is if it you just retyped it the DNS is data will be stored in your cache on your hard disk so may not work correctly.

Thats the easiest way I can explain it, its a more complex than that, and what I said above my not be quite true, please can somebody confirm that.

I am not sure why these erros in the first place happen though, I would think its an ISP problem. Also many on many servers you can block IP addresses (this happened to me once before, I was banned from a website as a joke).
thanks for the info........I'll think about next time I use the browser !
due to bandwidth sharing and ntl broadband's policy of not upping bandwidth until a certain number of people in the area have signed up you may be encountering the '6 o'clock phenomenon' this is when all the kiddies in the area have had their dinner, watched neighbors and log on to surf for porn and chat in paedophile ridden chat rooms. if i try to do anything between 6 and 9 o'clock that involves the internet it takes an age and i;'ve got the 1meg connection. usually i just turn off, watch the simpsons and pie in the sky and then log back in for a quick check before bed.


Right Click on my computer

then left click on properties

then left click on performance.

Your system resources should be at least 70%.

If it is lower, reboot and things will move faster.


Mick you are a star. However I have far more taste than you and have an Apple computer, which apart from being better than any fart arsed put together propriatery dated PC crap, also looks stunningly good.

Don't worry when you next look towards a PC purchase, you will get a mac!
Does this mean that if you'd have had a PC then you'd have cured the problem by now? LOL!!!! Don't worry, I'm a Mac fan myself who is 'foced' to use PC's day in and day out! They're both great compared to chalk, slate and abacus!!!!

Anyway, either reboot and try if the same problem occurs with other sites; disconnect and connect to ADSL line often cures problems. If only happens on Zerogain site then try all the above.
Well its all rather random, and NTL have fessed up that they are working on one of their servers.

It seems to be a bit better now.