It's a monster

Discussion in 'DIY Discussion' started by Graham C, Mar 11, 2004.

  1. Graham C

    Graham C

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Well, I've finally got my DIY speakers built, and they are currently
    in place of my Mord Shorts. I actually finished them 2 days ago, but I was too knackered to carry them down 2 flights of stairs.

    I know it's not possible to be unbiased about something thats taken 4 months and a load of grief to finish, but I am mighty relieved they turned out good [not perfect, I accept].
    The bass is lovely. My old floorstanders went low, but they were
    gently falling off at low bass. This is what you get with modern
    speakers with high Fs and poxy little drivers, unless you go active.
    These DIY cabs have Peerless XLS 10" bass drivers, which are
    better than I would ever afford in a commercially built speaker.
    The bass/low mid integration is fine to my standards.

    It does have 2 minor problems so far - the uppermid/lower treble is a bit 'cuppy' maybe from the retro 70's stepped baffle[!], or the paper 4" mid driver being stretched too high. I haven't been able to position them properly yet, because they are designed to go on their side [in a cluster arrangement - like the old JBL 4312 and they are really stand/shelfmounters that are very big and ridiculously heavy.
    The other minor issue is the treble level is too hot, which I was
    expecting. If the treble had been silky smooth, I thought it might
    have suited me to be a bit tinkly top, with my laid back Densen CDP. However, with £6 tweeters it just becomes too 'nails on blackboard' I'll try losing 2dB of top end to start with.
    I have plenty of scope to play with different mid/treble combinations over the future, until I achieve contentment. I don't mind buying better tweeters [eg Vifa £22] if I can't get satisfaction with the cheapo's - or maybe some Bandors like in 7V's systems?
    Tinkering is easy since the mid/top are in a seperate sub-enclosure along with their X-overs.
    Overall, I'm a happy bunny, and I'm going to plan to shift the
    Mord Shorts soon, when the new ones are settled in
    Graham C, Mar 11, 2004
  2. Graham C

    I-S Good Evening.... Infidel

    Jun 25, 2003
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    In a world of pain
    What tweeters are you using? The peerless 81130 is only around 5GBP for the ferrofluid cooled version, and that's a good tweeter (as used in the meadowlark kestrel/hotrod). Otherwise, spending more may reap yet further rewards of course...
    I-S, Mar 12, 2004
  3. Graham C

    Graham C

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Cheers for that - at £5, I might be PMing you..

    The tweeters are the old 3/4" Audax, as used in every 80's Richer Sounds min-monitor. The speakers overall are only medium efficiency 85dB/watt because I really wanted a flat-line bass, not the modern falling slope, so almost any tweeters from ribbons are feasible. The mid drivers are from JBL Control1's [because they were surplus] and are padded to lose a few dBs to match the bass. As you know, a better tweeter will go lower as well, so the mids can be rolled away lower too..I'm looking forward to investigating.
    Graham C, Mar 12, 2004
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