Hi Guys, I was browsing the racks in Selectadisc the other evening and came across what they had marked as a Limited Edition (500 only) reissue of the first UK Kraftwerk album (their first and second together as a double album I understand - with a blue wave form on the front). Got it home and its on green and red vinyl, complete with proper swirly vertigo labels. I briefly thought wow, cool :) . Unfortunately the pressings are marked and the marks are very audible :rolleyes: . So they are going back. Looking closely though, the labels look like badly scanned copies and the whole package has a bit of a rough feel to it. I'm assuming its something a bit less than official. Has anyone heard about or got info on this release? The music (marks aside) which I'd never heard is actually very good - I'd not heard this early Kraftwerk stuff before - Its kind of like Kraftwerk but not (its got stuff like guitars :eek: and drums :eek: :eek: in parts). One part Kraftwerk, one part Meddle era Pink Floyd and one part other weird shit. I was particularly taken by a track on the second album called Wellenlänge, which is sublimely hypnotic, a bit "Eno"ish and wouldn't sound too out of place if it were released today. Think I'll just have to get a CD copy.