don't forget may be teaching a granny to suck eggs but in doh!!! just realised its fixed bias, excuse me, my mistake, this means volts at cathode are fairly neglible, but its anode MINUS cathode volts TIMES current. I was thinking cathode bias.
I know he's not a popular guy, but £250 for a valve amp and warrantee isn't to be sniffed at.
Its the same circuit as WADs el84 if I am correct, ecf 82 pentode/triode into concertina phase splitter.
The Affordable valve el34 one, made by V.A.L in china has 3 pots inside, so makes it a bit tougher to work out which one does what.
Is yours much easier...could we have an internal pic?
Your calcs look right and that's the easiest way to measure bias. Apparently you can go down to 50% on the icon audio (el34)which I have but that's a bit cool, I haven't the facilities to check if that will cause distortion. It sounds good though at low bias.
Apparently looking at cattylink, VAL have stopped making valve amps, so I don't know what he who must not be named is going to do when his stock runs out.
ps kt88 take more heater current, but I think 4 of them only make aoubt 10% more IIRC so that's not really significant heating of the mains tx when there is 1.6 amps? through each valve? And you never really use them at max power, too.