I have finally found a suitable Linux distro for my laptop. I have installed Vector Linux which uses the latest kernal and ICEWM as the windows manager. I currenty have loads of sites open, the complex input box on VBulliten (zerogain) and have installed Firefox with ease. My hard driver has not ticked in the last 5 minutes whileI have been browsing indicating that everything is currently stored in the RAM. THis is so fast it has to be seen to believed, a September 2004 operating system, a Sept 2004 browser all running smoothly and really fast. The specifcations of the hardware? A P233MMX with 64MB RAM It runs smoother than Win98SE did on this laptop. Instattion was a pain but I learn't a lot about operating systems and linux during the process, in the end I had to manualy enter the partitition and boot sector info but it was worth it! I did install Mandrake 10 on this laptop but it was so slow it was unusable. The resolution had to be set manualy in the X86config file but it did automaticaly detect my PCMCIA network card and then my DHCP server did the rest. Getting Windows 98 to work with my network was a pain. So before you decide to through away a second PC because it can't run XP think about getting a good linux distro.