A good friend of mine is one of the most ardent Apple Mac fans and Microsoft haters there is. He works on one all day and has a G4 running OS X with the (gorgeous) widescreen flat panel at home. He's a web designer/developer for a large UK financial company. He takes his work home with him on his iPod (yes, they don't just store music). Me and him regularly have friendly Windows vs. Mac debates allthough they're nothing like as heated as these kinds of things can get on net forums :devil: So, Microsoft wants this large financial company to be one of its main players with its new OS still being developed, code named "Longhorn" and bring the heavies over to do a technical demo etc. etc. Said friend reluctantly and very sceptically goes along to see what they've got to offer. That was Wednesday - today, he's on a plane to Seattle to spend a week at Microsoft HQ :eek: As far as he's concerned now, Longhorn (or whatever it's called when released) will blow anything Apple have got clean out of the water :yikes: btw, no money, or promise of money has changed hands :) I couldn't believe it - it's a transformation along the lines of George W. Bush becoming a muslim and joining Al Queda. He couldn't tell me what was so good about Longhorn because of NDAs but if it's convinced him then it must have been pretty impressive. I'm a PC/Windows user but have always been a Mac fan. I really like them and their OS has been better than Windows for ages but with XP the gap got seriously small - will Longhorn be the end for Apple? I have to say, it didn't impress me the way Apple blatantly lied in claiming the new G5 was the fastest personal computer in the world. They cheated on the benchmarks and then only reported selectively. There was at least one Dell PC (running Windows) in the test which was overall considerably faster than a G5. It shows they're desperate. I hope they survive...we'll see. Michael.