At the moment, I have a set of Rega Ela's, but I am probably going to sell them, as they are not being used to their potential in my room, I can never sit right in the middle of them anyway, and the position of them is quite poor. Have a look at this picture that shows how they are just unlovingly bunged into the corners:- [img][/img] Its a real shame to get rid of them, but I now grudingly accept that they are not really being used to their potential in here, despite their lovely sound :( So I am likely after some bookshelf monitor type speakers that offer a similar groovy sound to the Ela's... mainly to listen to dance, rock and pop music. I am not bothered too much if they are active or not, as I have my Rotel amp to power them, but I will take active speakers and sell the Rotel if they are good enough. I guess I'd rather do second hand if possible, but will buy new if theres something good out there that doesnt cost a lot. I guess I could raise up to £500 from the sale of the amp, speakers and whatever money I can muster to throw in. If they are non active speakers, then I guess around about £300 would be the limit. Cheers Edit: I guess I should have clarified, they are to go on my desk on either side of the monitor.