My system isn't my system (Redux)


Mighty Rearranger
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond the 4th Dimension
With all the coming and goings of the show/demo's and construction of said reptile secretions, I've not had much time for a listen at home lately, so after a trip to the doc's I settled down to a long (me only) session, I feel it's true what the say the best sounds are at home without question.
It gave me a good couple of hours to get re-aquainted again and a chance to compare something I've been tinkering with, no electronics/cables/isolation/voodoo, just good old fashion tin bashing, no jaw dropping or sofa falling off escapades, but more than subtle, can't really post anymore I'm going back for more, it's good and I'm shocked without falling off my sofa or inducing some poor girles panties to salivate. Wm
Seriously though, what are you on about most the time?
Originally posted by penance
ive not listened to mine for 3 days
cant be bothered with it anymore after all the escapades:(

I guess this is what they call an ''upgrade'' right? :D ;)