Hi all! My name is Sergio and I'm from Portugal. I'm the very proud owner of a NAD S300 integrated amplifier (it's such a great amp and I was very lucky to get it at a price I could actually afford). I have a small glitch with my S300... when it is turned ON but without any music playing (all other gear turned OFF), when I turn the volume knob, I can see the speaker woofer drives move a lot, forth and back, reacting to the turning of the volume up and down. This actually stops happening after I turn the volume up and down repeatedly 10 or 11 times, by then the speaker drives don't move... If I leave it alone for 2 or 3 minutes and then try the same thing, turning volume up and down, the speaker drives move again... I was told that this can be caused by DC Offset not being ok on both channels, where a minor difference can cause this to happen. Does any owner (or previous owner) of NAD S300 have any details about this? Do you have this speaker drive movement symptoms when turning the volume with no input feeding the S300? Thank you very much for your help! Best regards, SergioRZ