New to the forum

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Paulpt, Feb 9, 2020.

  1. Paulpt


    Feb 9, 2020
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    Hi Everyone:

    New to the forum. I am an enthusiast of Audio, very much in training. I used to have some cool, at the time gear (Yamaha's NS1000, Infinity SM 102, Adcom pre-amps and power amps) then life took over, career family and a few years back I got into this great hobby again. But like with everything else, and not keeping up, still lots to learn and get advice on, that's why I am here. I am in the greater NY area.

    My current gear: Marantz SR5006 hooked to B&W 685 and a marantz DVD/CD player and in my basement Luxman TP117 pre-amp + Marantz 140 amp hooked to Infinity Crescendo 3007 or KEF 104/2 (all these speakers under restoration, surround replacement on the Infinity and full restore on the KEF). Also a Sony CD player, Pioneer laserdisc player and sony mini disc somewhere in the basement (yes I've been known to buy things that went out of fashion pretty fast...), That's it for now, looking forward to enjoying your feedback and knowledge.

    Paulpt, Feb 9, 2020
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