OB1 vs. SCM35

Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score

A question for the more seasoned listeners out there....

If I were to change from SCM35's to OB1's, what differences would I hear? They both come from companies that appear to have some similarities but I think their products probably sound COMPLETELY different.

Amp is ATC SPA2-150 and room is approx 14ft x 20ft.

And before you ask, due to location there is no way I can ever demo them side by side (that would involve a plane trip!).

Any comments appreciated.

p.s. please don't let this spiral into another ATC/PMC bashing session (it's been done already) - I am not trying to bait anyone at all, just looking for good, honest opinions.
I suppose it would depend on what you feel the scm35's are missing for you to want to consider the change. I have OB1's but have never heard the scm35's.

It's mainly the bottom end and rather "dark" nature to their sound.

The bottom end of the SCM35 at first appears to be weighty and extended but there really isn't much substance to it at all, particularly with rock/pop material.

I have heard them go very low on some material but then on other material there's virtually nothing. It's a case of feast or famine regarding the bass. I guess they are just accurately presenting the source and if so then I need a speaker that doesn't exhibit that trait.
andyoz said:
It's mainly the bottom end and rather "dark" nature to their sound.

The bottom end of the SCM35 at first appears to be weighty and extended but there really isn't much substance to it at all, particularly with rock/pop material.

I have heard them go very low on some material but then on other material there's virtually nothing. It's a case of feast or famine regarding the bass. I guess they are just accurately presenting the source and if so then I need a speaker that doesn't exhibit that trait.

well what virtue would be than an alternative?
I guess I need something that has what might be called bass "bloom". Not necessarily accurate but still enjoyable.

It's funny but I have an old 12" 2-way Fender keyboard amp that I sometimes play music on. I actually enjoy the bass from that more than the ATC's at times - it is defiinately not accurate, but still no less enjoyable.

Guess I'm not an Audiophile really, just a head banger.
Expect more accentuated freq. extremes and recessed and comparatively less natural mids.

"Feast or famine" is a very good description - I had the same experience, measurements in my room showed sharp raise in about 20-100 Hz with a dip in 30-40Hz. No wonder I could not hear some bass notes. I use TacT DRC now, ATC are robust enough to handle dips correction.
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andyoz said:
I actually enjoy the bass from that more than the ATC's at times - it is defiinately not accurate, but still no less enjoyable.

Guess I'm not an Audiophile really, just a head banger.

You are not the only one - against all odds and common wisdom I preferred the bass from some underpowered amps with 35s - including an old 50-watts Quad 306 - more relaxed and enjoyable. With TacT I need a really powerful one, so I use Bryston.
Nomoretweaks said:
Expect more accentuated freq. extremes and recessed and comparatively less natural mids.

Do you mean expect that with the ATC's. I have tried other speakers (i.e. large standmounts that are too ugly for the missus) in that room and the botom end just seems more evenhanded and weighty.

Why is ATC bass so weird sometimes?
No I mean expect it with OB1.

andyoz said:
Why is ATC bass so weird sometimes?

Because it is very tight - lots of slam and enegry but shortened bass note sustain and deay. Why does it happen I do not know, I think it has something to do with the closed cabinet design and a huge bass driver magnet. When I bought them I kept guessing - was it bass heavy or bass light? There is a hammer-like slam and then.. nothing. The driver stops very quickly. So when you have an amp that is unable to control it - the bass lackes the slam and becomes a bit loose and often it is more enjoyable. Very tricky speakers indeed.
Ahhh, very interesting post.

I actually see exactly where you are coming from. The ATC amp I am using is a current monster that has a vice like grip on the bass driver.

I just don't get the impression of speed and slam from the ATC's that I would like. I just get either nothing, or something that's a bit low and loose. Repositioning them doesn't seem to change this trait.

Jazz and classical is a different matter - they just sing. Shame I never listen to it!
I think it was the OB1's that I listened to at the heathrow show. They were amazing (despite being powered by awful an Arcam pre/power). Nice dimensions too. Similar bass output to the Coincident speakers but a lot cheaper IIRC. Very nice.
andyoz said:
Ahhh, very interesting post.

I actually see exactly where you are coming from. The ATC amp I am using is a current monster that has a vice like grip on the bass driver.

I just don't get the impression of speed and slam from the ATC's that I would like. I just get either nothing, or something that's a bit low and loose. Repositioning them doesn't seem to change this trait.

Jazz and classical is a different matter - they just sing. Shame I never listen to it!

how can a speaker be correct with one type of music and not correct with another.

i think these complaints should go to the lousy production first of all. it is true that with ATCs you hear so many (too many?) bad things done in studios. i was shocked first time i heard bjork's medula. spit all over studio!
anubisgrau said:
i think these complaints should go to the lousy production first of all. it is true that with ATCs you hear so many (too many?) bad things done in studios. i was shocked first time i heard bjork's medula. spit all over studio!

I completely agree. You should have heard what came out of the ATC's when my wife played a Spice Girls album (it's her CD - honest)...it was just plain weird. But then that stuff sounds great on cheap gear.

And the studio production techniques are getting more invasive. The ATC's show up compression techniques particularly well. In contrast, Michael Jacksons "Off The Wall" album sounds majestic but I know that has been done by a producer/artist who (used to) know his stuff.

I guess the real question is - is it really spending loads of money on gear for rock/pop replay - I am quickly coming to the conclusion that the answer is NO.
it is a known trick of trade that populist music is produced and mastered to work on cheap devices. you should hear spice girls on a ghetto blaster.
Best one was Pete Waterman.

Did you ever wonder why his 80's stuff has crazy hi-hat/cymbal patterns. The clever bugger figured out that it sent the disco light shows crazy as they were triggered by high frequency energy. Got the punters up and dancing and shifted more units.

He also purposefully mixed his tracks with minimal low-frequency energy as it tricked the radio station compressors and his tracks came out playing louder over the airwaves.

Basically, Audiophile tendancies and pop/rock do not mix really.
andyoz said:

Amp is ATC SPA2-150 and room is approx 14ft x 20ft.


Do not want to dissapoint you, but I asked Larry Cox (he is a US reviewer and used to have ATC 35 as his reference speakers) and he advised me against using this amp, he thinks the older, black one (don't remember the model) is much better with ATC. He said he had one of the best results with a Chord power amp. He himself used 35s with EAR 509 monoblocks.
I had a similar problem with SCM12's. I guess it's a house sound.

I hate to spoil your ATC/PMC love-in but I suspect you need Dynaudio.