OB1 vs. SCM35

Definitely claim full refund! If not for the speakers, for the pain in the arse they have been. I'd also insist they investigate your local pick-up and drop-off guy. Easier than taking them to court might be to threaten a website detailing the mess they have caused being passed around many forum. In fact I would write a letter about it to the head of UPS.
Hi Andy

I'm sorry to hear your experience about the damaged speakers. I hope you will be able to sort out the claim soon and start to enjoy your hi fi again.

At this stage, UPS have sent a snotty letter saying they won't pay out on the insurance claim for the SCM35's that were sent to the buyer in Spain.

Apparently they think the packaging wasn't good enough. I don't know how as it was exactly what ATC use to send them all over the world.

The buyer in Spain refused to let them take the speakers away for inspection at their depot in Barcelona (400 miles from him) so they have based their claims on some photos he sent them.

Anyway, luckily I had taken a photo of the boxes before UPS picked them up. The buyer in Spain has done the same and one of the boxes is actually visually "shorter" than the other now! Funnily enough, that's the box that held the busted speaker cabinet. I will have a chat with UPS on Monday and can't wait to see them explain this one.

The buyer is a surgeon and I am a qualified engineer (am regularly called on to give expert evidence in court) so they have picked the wrong people to try and bully.
Andy, did you use UPS through Pharos International? If you did, have a chat with them about the situation. They put in a good word for me when I needed to claim insurance but the buyer had not kept the boxes.
Yes, but I will leave Pharos out of it for now. The evidence speaks for itself and I will only get Pharos involved if UPS get knarky.

Here's the "before UPS" and "after UPS"" photos of the boxes. Look at height of the right box, it's been squashed by whatever impact UPS put it through. These are very thick double cardboard boxes remember.


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Maybe I'll send that photo over to UPS as well then?

The buyer in Spain is a surgeon and he is really ripping into UPS at his end (I'm doing the same at this end). I can't wait for them to question his powers of observation regarding the condition of the boxes. He tells me he actually knew one speaker was farked before he even opened the box. I am starting to enjoy this.
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I have seen firsthand almost every day what couriers do with the parcels they deliver. When I challenged one once and told him there was sensetive electronic equipment in the box he had just flung onto the floor of his van, his respose was a sarcastic "oops - sorry" accompanied by a cheesy grin, they really could give not give a sh*t what happens to the stuff they deliver....
Anyone thinking of selling their SCM35's may want to move fast before these become better known to potential buyers. The RRP is the same as the SCM35's.


Looks like ATC have finally fixed that dodgy friction fit grille mounting method.
andyoz said:
Anyone thinking of selling their SCM35's may want to move fast before these become better known to potential buyers. The RRP is the same as the SCM35's.


Looks like ATC have finally fixed that dodgy friction fit grille mounting method.

I prefer the look of 35s Before transportation, of course :) Silver ring around the tweeter is too much imho.

Seriously - new tweeter is good. What is worrying - the weight went down from 29 to 23,5 kg.
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I really like the new look and I think the public will too.

That's interesting regarding the weight though.

Not sure where they have shaved off that extra 6kg. Maybe they have changed magnet sizes in the midrange and woofer but that seems a bit extreme. Or have they skimped on the crossover as I recall being amazed how massive the components where on the ones in my old SCM35's.

I can't see how they could make the cabinets any lighter than the old SCM35's though.

What do you know about the new tweeter as I always found my SCM35's top end too restrained.
The cabinets of the SCM7/12/35 were always made in china I thought.

Was reading over at PFM that they appear to have revamped the drivers so I assume they have changed magnets, etc.
This thread needed a post mortem before the last reply!:D

Sad that the site was once so popular as to have 14 page long debates and now only a few ever post....
I wonder what happened to cause such a contrast in the sites popularity?

Seems there's not even any mods around to remove spam from dating sites now!
This thread needed a post mortem before the last reply!:D

Sad that the site was once so popular as to have 14 page long debates and now only a few ever post....
I wonder what happened to cause such a contrast in the sites popularity?

Seems there's not even any mods around to remove spam from dating sites now!
I found a lot of useful topics here actually.