Restoring a Crown IC 150

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by willytug, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. willytug


    Aug 5, 2013
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    HI, I'm new to the forum. I just got a Crown IC 150 to go with my DC 300a and Dahlquist DQ10 set up. Couple of problems, one, the volume control is funky on one of the channels on IC 150.... and I've attempted to clean the pot with contact cleaner but no luck, I only get sound out of the channel at nearly full volume, and its very flaky (on or off) based on position of the volume control.
    I've ordered two LME49710NA's op amps to replace the TI071CP's in place. I read that upgrading the op amps is the way to go. I've also seen some info. on upgrading some caps, although I'm not sure the advantage of going from a tantalum to an electrolytic....
    Anyway, any help or point in the right direction to restore or improve this dinosaur is much appreciated.
    willytug, Aug 5, 2013
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