Sight Reading Scarlatti Sonata in A Major, K 208

Discussion in 'Classical Music' started by burnabyguitar, May 18, 2024.

  1. burnabyguitar


    Oct 17, 2020
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    Washington, USA
    Sonata in A Major
    K 208

    Composer: Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757)

    Italian composer Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757) wrote 555 solo keyboard sonatas throughout his career. Circulated irregularly in his lifetime, these are now recognized as a significant contribution which pushed the musical and technical standards of keyboard music. Though born in Naples, Scarlatti followed his pupil the Princess María Bárbára to Madrid where he lived for the final 28 years of his life. The Spanish influence pervades many of the sonatas. Today many of his sonatas are arranged for classical guitar. Sonata in A Major (K 208) with tempo Adagio e cantabile, is arranged for guitar and is selected as one of RCM (The Royal Conservatory of Music) level 8 repertoire.

    burnabyguitar, May 18, 2024
  2. burnabyguitar


    Nov 30, 2023
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    It's fascinating how his music has found new life in arrangements for classical guitar.
    murphybridget, May 20, 2024
    burnabyguitar likes this.
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