There are Eupens and then there are Eupens...

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by technobear, Jul 20, 2003.

  1. technobear

    technobear Ursine Audiophile

    Jun 22, 2003
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    Earlier in the week, after reading comments by, I think, Henry T, I swapped my Eupens around a bit. I put an 05/2.5 on the amp and an 05/04 on the CD player. I listened to a few tracks but didn't draw any firm conclusions before being distracted by something else. Subsequently forgot all about it.

    This evening I was listening to some familiar discs and thinking this isn't sounding right. The bass is a bit loose and one-note'ish. The image is a bit 2-dimensional. Vocals are a little recessed. And as for the treble, well cymbols sounded like they were etched in the air (but that would be the Seismic Sink which arrived yesterday ). Then I remembered the Eupens. I put the 05/2.5 back on the CD player and the 05/04 back on the amp. What the f...! Deep powerful clearly defined bass. 3-dimensional image. Vocals back where they belong. No more one-note'ing. Hmmm!

    Once again we see the system dependence of cables at work. In my case the smaller Eupen is best for the CD player and the bigger Eupen is best for the amp.

    technobear, Jul 20, 2003
  2. technobear


    Jun 20, 2003
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    I would be very suprised if the outcome was any different.

    I viewed the Eupen web site notso long back and the one thing that struck me was that view their cables as filters. So for a higher current aplication [amp] the bigger cable shouldbe prefered.

    I've an old Eupen may be ten to twelve years, bought from farnel when they used to supply it. The intresting fact that I gleened from there catalogue was that you need a minimum of 2m lenght before it has an effect. I bought about fifteen meters of the stuff and divided it down into various lengths to see if they were correct. The best length was 3-4m it seem to have no extra gain in longer lengths.

    In my opinion the Eupen [that I've used]is sunk by even simple DIY types such as the Merlino and the TTS, though again this probabley due to the large amount of copper available and the geometry of the conductors.
    zanash, Jul 20, 2003
  3. technobear

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    I don't know about the 2m claim but all my Eupens (all 6 of them :D ) are 1m long and they have a very noticeable effect at that length. I tried a 05/04 on the DAC and the bass became so bloated it was almost funny! Wen't back to the 05/2.5 :)

    IMO they're the best VFM mains cable you can get.

    michaelab, Jul 20, 2003
  4. technobear


    Jun 20, 2003
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    As far as I can see the old eupens of mine do not differ much to the latest ones. They are white jacketed witha blue stipe, each of the three cores has the ferrite gunk in and around the conductors.

    Do remember I'm not anti Eupen ! They just have not done it in my systems over the last 10 years as well as the DIY varrients I've used.
    zanash, Jul 20, 2003
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