There's rich, obscenely rich, and then there's...


Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
Lisbon, Portugal
...Abramovitch :D

He's in Lisbon for Euro 2004 but of course no poxy hotel would do so he brought his own:


...with shore "launch" as big as many yachts and helicopter:


It's called "Le Grand Bleu"....a Chelsea reference perhaps? But why be all cramped on just the one ocean liner? Exactly - so he brought the other one too:


...which of course has it's own chopper:


And don't forget the staff, they have to stay somewhere, so he brought the dinghy too:


...that's at least 500 yards of dock space he's using:


Nice parking spot:


All just 10 mins walk from my flat and he hasn't even come and said hello :rolleyes:

Nice... I'll have the big white one (the pointy one)

I was on the superyacht dock in Antibes once. Two black merc S classes pulled up at one of the ships, important people got out and straight onto the yacht, and then from nowhere 15 lackys appeared and removed shopping etc from the cars.

The whole thing was rather creepy. Put me off somewhat...
What kind of makes you sick is that not 100 yards from Abramovitch's ships, lying on the docks were several homeless people, Russian or Ukranian illegals by the looks of them. They must be wondering how one of their countrymen swindled his way into all those billions :rolleyes:

michaelab said:
All just 10 mins walk from my flat and he hasn't even come and said hello :rolleyes:


That's just bad manners :mad:, ban him and if he's not a member here, don't let him become one :D

But seriously I couldn't live like that even if I had his money. I'd be too conscious of the millions that are starving.
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dev, don't diss the man, i'm sure he's got some shady ex kgb or moscow mafia connections which could make michael's life uncomfortable. haven't you seen the movies? one of those ships is bound to be able to james bond itself into a battleship and with michael living so close i'm sure an rpg or cruise missile if he's feeling extravagant through michaels living room window would not be a pleasant experience.

Did anyone see that program about how he got his MOney and about him in general?

I agree about him being quite rude and not popping round to say "hi" (and leave his wallet)
That's soooooooo 'Vice City'. My g/f reckons Tommy Vercetti owns the second boat !

The joys of being a Chelski fan :D [for over 10 years, I must add ;) ]
Yes but.... Is he happy?? :p

Oil money supposedly.

Quick quiz

What do you get if you mix a product of the black gold with the leaves of a South American indigenous plant??

Answer.. 500 yards of Portuguese dock space.

It seems the money has gone to his head, I wonder if he is truly happy though, my guess would be no.
GTM said:
Oil money supposedly.
Dodgy money if you ask me ;)

Apparently those yachts (the 2 big ones) cost around £70 million each and about £6 million a year to run (each). Just think - he could sell one of them and buy Rooney for Chelski :D

GTM, michael, how can you say such things about such a clearly upstanding and honest businessman who has fought his way up from poverty and in the face of adversity to where he is now?

Of course, Mr Abramovitch sir when you read this, please pm for bank details...