Not enough time listening to music - I can sneak an hour or two each evening. But, with life being as it is, work being as it is, music time is luxury, "Me time"; being married to a lovely lady who doesn't listen to much music outside of the car, I typically only get my "Music Hours" when she's out or watching TV.
When in the office it's easy to post to forums and pretend to be working but not so easy to listen to music - and I can't concentrate on work when music is playing unless it's VERY quiet.
So, yeah, in balance I don't listen as much as I'd like to - but given ideal circumstances I'd spend 2 or 3 hours a day listening, maybe more - reading, walking, cooking, jogging, gardening, sex, etc., these are all things that may well have a musical background, but my mind is elsewhere so that doesn't count