hi sorry for this but feeling a little sorry for myself. well know i was pushing my luck and today my luck ran out. was on my way to harry's to help him move house, giot to the bottom of a steep hill did not notice that some kind person had covered the road in gravel. hit the gravel my front wheel locked and i went straight into the pavement, not slowly either. well longer story short i have broken my coller bone, and various other scrapes. so typing 1 fingered at the mo as that is all that is working. now i see the use of accessibility sticky keys and mouse keys. so sruck in for at least a week, i have dismantaled the hifi cos i was decorating. what am i going to do? only been home a couple of hours and i am bored already. i feel gutted, been accident free for 10 years, 1st time i have broken anything, i feel like i have let harry and myself down, though i can not see what other action i could have taken <other than walked over, no dirct bus to harrys> although its not easy to see a possitve to this, the staff at the AE where very nice, was in there for 4.5 hours, they have given me a load of happy pills for the pain, not sure when they are supposed to work cos its really killing me, when i had the accident a couple of local residents came out to check i was ok, now if that doesn't restore your faith in people nothing will. one last point and i mean this very seriously, my cycle helmet saved my life without a shadow of a doubt, if i wasn't wearing it i would have been in intensive care at the best, so based on that i guess i am lucky. ALLWAYS WEAR A HELMET.