Why does a 16 year old CDP play a disc any modern one won't?


live & breathe psy-trance
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
This is blooming crazy! I got a freebie Toshiba CDP from 1988 yesterday...

I tried a few CDs in it - it jumped on Hole's "Live Through This" (a finger print - gone now and it plays finally!) but played everything else fine...

....including a very rare copy of Hits 6, that has got stuck on every other player it's ever been in barring a £100 Saisho (back in 1992) and the first time it went in my 1985 Technics SLP2 (which wouldn't repeat the feat again - the Tosh did!).

So - how can an ancient CDP with probably dirty and dying laser track this when everything else from CD ROM drives to (I think!) Henryt's Accuphase (did I try that Henry??) won't???

Progress my arse....
Hey Dom,

I always used to find 16 year olds relatively unfussy;)