Query: Advice on using an active preamp with a power amp which has a passive vol pot Excuse the lengthy thread title - any views anyone? I have a 300B power amp (a Wavac) which has a passive volume pot. Over the past few months I have been using it with an active valve Wavac Preamp - much better takes the sound to another level. The usual advice with this kind of combination is to turn the passive vol pot up full and attenuate via the preamp. Which is what I have been doing. The power amp doesn't have an independent input for preamps BTW. However. . . . I remember a few reviews from Berning ZH270 owners who had used a preamp and claimed better results from NOT having the Berning power amp pot full on. So - I turned the passive vol pot on the power amp back about a quarter and I do beleive it sounds better. I've read a few reviewers who advocate experimenting rather than just turning the pot full on - but why? Does this make any sense - has anybody tried this? I know that some amp oweners would disconnect the passive pot on the power amp altogether, but i dont want to do this. One other thing, I found on some recordings I got very slight clipping with the power amp pot full on - my adjustments seem to have fixed that - again any explanations here? Any opinions welcome and may be an interesting thread for other users with a similar pre/power combo :)