[quote="dudywoxer, post: 763091"]Must agree MG is bloody good.any of you tried Yppah I enjoy 81 first heard it in a little indy music store in Whitby, on sandgate, but then Whitby is the real home of music port. any one within reachinhg distance should try the shop, and the second hand vinyl guy in the shambles market, [URL]http://ninjatune.net/release/yppah/eighty-one[/URL] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Yppah - 81[/COLOR][/SIZE] [URL="http://open.spotify.com/album/2UIU05VdHG9isZKq2ZZygA"][B]Spotify Link[/B][/URL] [IMG]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SPdPrI8Lrh8/Tz5ufsBSnqI/AAAAAAAAA-0/KWAIEUWSD5I/s1600/5021392707297.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] very nice :)