Hello, previously i was using am10 with s pioneer VSX-531D playing Master audio and true hd files. The response was perfect and i was happy. the only problem i had a couple of times with multiplae amps was the HDMI ports. some would stop functioning , some had other problems. I was thinking of ditching the hdmi and going with good old optical this time. optical would only have simple dts though. My question was that if i went with a denon or marantz dts only amplifier, the SOUND QUALITY/ DETAIL i.e surround sound details. would they be better? the same or worse. all my movies are 4k with truehd or master audio, i can plug the hdmi directly into the tv and get the optical out but i need some advice on the sound quality i mentioned above, generally isnt marantz or denon better sounding than pioneer. IF someone can kindly shed some light on it. thankyou very much.