Franz Ferdinand worth buying?


Mad Madchestoh fan
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
I missed out on their gig at the Accademy so I have thinking of buying their album but I am not sure if it worth it or not. The only song I've heared of their is take me out and I think its ok. My local recordshop has a copy on 12" for £12.
Heard this the other night. Didn't know what it was when it first came on and it wasn't quite as crap as I'd have expected it to be. Having only heard the singles, I wouldn't have expected much. But despite having them down as a "one good riff" band, there's some good tracks on there. The singles are probably the worst tracks on there!

There's loads of obvious influences you can pick up on in their sound. Can't remember any who were mentioned now :o but every track added another artist or four into the influence melting pot thingy.

Hard to honestly say if I liked it as I was just impressed that it wasn't the utter pants I'd have expected.
It wasn't the great new thing they were proclaimed to be, but not bad at all. I quite like it. they are very derivative though. If you like that sort of stuff have a listen to the Libertines, they do it much better IMHO.
So AT, are we saying that you've already bought everything that's better than this band released over the last 50 years [and therefore priced at £5 - £8], and therefore you are forced into buying premium rate new releases??
I'm pleased I'm not in that situation..maybe in 10000 CDs time I might be..?
Originally posted by Graham C
So AT, are we saying that you've already bought everything that's better than this band released over the last 50 years [and therefore priced at £5 - £8], and therefore you are forced into buying premium rate new releases??
I'm pleased I'm not in that situation..maybe in 10000 CDs time I might be..?

You mean I should just buy some older stuff for £5 in music zone instead? Most my stuff is bought thsi way, I am currently buying two albums a week bit I am just keen of buying somthing a bit newer for a change.
Yeah, I like to get a dig in now and then, cos I can't see why people buy anything promoted [and therefore expensive]. I now nowt about the band [do the band themselves know anything about the band/brand??], other than being aware that they are part of the music industry 'sausage machine' [eg one of those bands that you are forced into seeing on videoscreens that are virally spreading to places like lesiure centres etc]

If you are lucky, you can still pick up the Franz Ferdinand 12" single for less than a £5. I can understand the £12 price though.

Franz Ferdinand are in demand so people are making the most of it. They are on tour & are riding high in the media frenzy. When this happens prices of certain records & cds can rise. I had an Oasis promo which, in it's heyday, was worth £300. After the hype died down a bit, the demand dropped & so did the price.

Yeah, I like to get a dig in now and then, cos I can't see why people buy anything promoted [and therefore expensive].

It's easier to sell heavily promoted music. Create the demand & you can get the sales. Bomb people with image & info of artists & you can create interest.

You have got to ask yourself how did people get to hear about the music they own? How do people get to hear about something different?

There has been many way of getting music to the people. These have included word of mouth, radio airplay & video play. The music industry is a business like any other. You need to make money. This applies to the 'next big time acts' as well as the small time independant acts. It is not hard to see that to get on in this industry, you do need to get in the 'sauage machine' at some stage.

Another big problem is that most new music is not radically different to what has gone before. After around 50 years of popular music. It's hard to come up with something totally new & original.


I know that Fopp will give you your money back or exchange the cd if you bought it & didn't like it. Also there is nothing stopping you going into most record shops & asking to have a listen to few tracks.

Thats the problem with a lot of new music it just a bit too much like older stuff.

I can't understand people that only listen the chart stuff for obvious common sense modern music cannot compete with the best from the last 50 years.

I can't understand people that only listen the chart stuff

Why not? A lot boils down to what you like. A lot of people like poppy, catchy tunes. That is why the charts are always full of them. Most chart music is full of hooks & riffs that grab your attention. In some ways, nothing has changed over the years.


I remember you asking about the Killers a little while back. I heard a couple of their tunes last night. They reminded me a little bit of franz.
Originally posted by MO!

I remember you asking about the Killers a little while back. I heard a couple of their tunes last night. They reminded me a little bit of franz.

I got Matinee on 7" brand new for 99p today so that will do for now.

They played the Killers in a night club last week I went to, I am going to the Killers gig at the end of May. I am seeing a little known band called Hankey Park first though.