Headphone listing is duplicated when using zoom.

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by canna444, Aug 26, 2024.

  1. canna444


    Aug 26, 2024
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    I apologise if I am posting inappropriately, but I'm getting a bit desperate. I tried posting in the Zoom Forum, but kept being stopped with the message "Maximum flood limit reached" and I have no idea what that means! Anyway, this is the situation....

    I recently got a new computer, (a Dell Inspiron Small Desktop 30305) and since then I have been freezing and crashing in zoom meetings. It starts with me getting a notice to the effect that my speakers aren't working (I wear headphones. But when I test them I get told they are working okay.) Then a bit later I can't hear what people are saying. Then later I freeze and crash.

    When I look at the listing re my audio, this is the message I get (see below). It looks like my headphones are registered twice, and I am wondering if this might be causing the problems.

    Listing in Zoom Audio tick box.

    Select a microphone.

    (tick) Headset Microphone (2-Microsoft Live Chat LX-3000)
    Microphone (USB Audio device)
    Same as System (Headset Microphone (2-Microsoft Live Chat LX-3000))

    Select a speaker

    (Tick) Headset Earphone (2-Microsoft Live Chat LX-3000)
    Same as system (Headset Earphone (2-Microsoft Live Chat LX-3000))

    I'm also not sure how to delete one of these double listings (if that is relevant.) I would be most grateful if anyone could give me some advice.
    canna444, Aug 26, 2024
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