hifi rack for tube gear

Jan 18, 2008
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I have seen a number of photos for valve gear and much of it is not on a 'proper' hifi rack. Is this because they do not need it whereas SS designs do or some other reason? What do you tube guys think? Thanks

I do actually use my valve amps on a quadraspire rack, but only because I happen to have one.

If I am messing around they often are placed directly onto the floor as it is more convenient for plugging and unplugging kit.....to be honest my amps are just not fussy where you put them they still sound good to my ears.
Same here. My stuff is on a rack now for ease of placement, but previously it's been in a cupboard and on shelves, never heard any difference. Some racks do look nice though and can make your gear look nice too, which is probably why most people buy them :).
Never could understand the rack thing. Why on earth would you wanna put your components within each others magnetic field is self defeating. They look pretty, cost a lot. The biggest selling feature appears to be little space required.
For me its target speaker stands with a wood box screwed to stand filled with sand and a maple plinth resting on the sand. All components are at least three feet away from each other. No hums,buzz or the like. The results of this for me has been more info coming through the system. If you have the room try separating your components and give a listen. Affective IMO.

When I had some VTL monoblocks I heard a huge difference when they were placed on an amp stand. The bass got tighter and there was better definition. I recently swapped out my main equipment rack for a Billybags rack and again heard better focus. I firmly believe that the rack can make a significant difference to some systems.