Complete novice but I have a Rega Planar 2 and partner has Cyrus kit - is there a way to connect them up better as currently the turntable sounds quiet unless you blast the volume??!
It looks like your Cyrus amp doesn't have a phono stage built in. You therefore need to buy an external one. These can be had from a few pounds up to silly money. Probably the sweet spot for best value is Cambridge Audio.
I'm assuming you have a moving magnet cartridge in the Rega.
Further to the above, if your Cyrus amp does have a phono stage, might you have a low output moving coil cartridge in your Rega? That would account for weak output.
Further to the above, if your Cyrus amp does have a phono stage, might you have a low output moving coil cartridge in your Rega? That would account for weak output.