Move now imminent.

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Hodges, Jan 21, 2025.

  1. Hodges


    Mar 6, 2024
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    Touch wood, the chain is complete and so far no NFB from all solicitors involved.

    Our apartment is going to need some thought about where everything is going to go. However, in anticipation, the Hifiman's have been returned to my son - wouldn't want them lost or damaged in the move.

    Both the 909 and the Headmaster are back in their boxes, along with the Yamaha CD. player. My Quad 33 remains an ornament, given it needs repairing, but still holds pride of place on the dresser, with the V2 sitting on top.

    Having resolved problems related to pseudo - gout and arthritis, I now own three PC's - two of which I remain amazed that I was able to repair them. The dexterity of my hands is such that I could assemble a Rolex - all those tiny screws and ribbon cables undone and re-done with consummate ease - considering the agony I have endured it is nothing short of miraculous. Not bad at 78 years old.

    One PC is now dedicated to streaming music, connected via ethernet cable. The Spendors are still performing magically, surprisingly been driven by my 303, which is now 53 years old. It has had little use of late, given it's task was done by my 405, which is also now packed and ready to go.

    The modified/switchable Loudness Control sits between the V2 and a high quality variable attenuator, which then drives the 303.

    Initially, the audio was dreadful, heavily distorted - to the point that I though the 303 was faulty. It was never going to compete with the 909 or the 405 but even so, it was much worse than I expected.

    However, as the 303 was directly connected into the mains extension lead which I never switch off, it has now sat, quiescent for over two weeks, with occasional listening.

    The rub of this post is, progressively the performance of the 303 has returned to what I always thought it was - silky smooth. It really is a remarkable little amplifier. OK so it doesn't deliver much bass, but when driving the Spendors, that's no bad thing. At the level I am driving them, it still allows the sweetness of their midrange to stand out.

    Why such a huge improvement from first switch - on? Well, I can only think that the capacitors of the 303 have had a chance to reform their dielectric's. Whatever the reason, at 53 years old, it is staggeringly good.
    Hodges, Jan 21, 2025
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