Tenson submitted a new article: [url=https://www.audio-forums.com/articles/reverberation-decay-time.8/]Reverberation / Decay Time[/url] - Reverberation / Decay Time [quote]A diffuse sound field requires that more reflections take place in order to spread the sound out evenly, and the result of these many reflections is a faster decay rate than a non-diffuse sound field. In a domestic size room, it is very difficult to achieve a diffuse sound field at anything other than the high frequency range. Even though we might employ special diffusing surfaces, the sound is far from truly diffuse in the lower transitional range. As such, we should pay attention to the...[/quote] [url=https://www.audio-forums.com/articles/reverberation-decay-time.8/]Read more about this article...[/url]