[b]silver flake fluid , cryo'd- like walker extreme SST[/b] OK, first ever review, ordered a pot of stuff that has a virtually identical spec to Walker extreme SST from a guy on ebay in America. Basically a tiny pot of fluid that contains millions of miniscule silver flakes that have been stuck in the deep freeze. I bought it from this man, as he charged usd including postage as opposed to the £120 Uk price as a) I am poor b) sceptical. System is Sugden A21a, Micromega stage 4, Technics SL12 , OL arm, sumiko cart, GSP gram amp 2 and Sonus Faber Concertino's. I painted the tiny tiny amounts required on every connection from the wall socket, to the speakers, including cartridge tags and ALL the connections inside my CDP, including fuses and board strip connectors. I used the 'dregs' in the lid rather than dip the supplied paitbrush into the pot and get too much on the brush. I have recently beeen listening to my friends upgraded system, Nu Vista M3 integrated, Classe CDP , Chario speakers Basis cables etc etc, My CDP sounded a little muddled but not bad before, but nowhere as good as my Vinyl. After treatment, images spread much much more, instruments such as piano and strings sound much more lifelike, on zeppelin, all the instruments can be followed seperate to the vocals, drums are tighter - in short, the cheapest huge upgrade I have heard, the sound is transformed, you would think it was a new 'something' in there. just thought id pass my thoughts on as for £21 its mental value, I bought it from this bloke if anyones interested: oooh_my_god oh, and it arrived in a week, i know this sounds like an ad but this sh*t really worked in my system, gonna treat my friends soon, not sure if the results will be as dramatic but lets wait and see.