Selling for Chris P (it's about time he got a phone line but apparently home furnishings are more important than being able to connect to the internet. Can you believe it?) First up, a pair of Mullard CV4024, the military spec version of the ECC81: These are the OEM version of what is arguably the most revered of all ECC81 type valves. The version with the Mullard badge and name sells for around £70 a pair but the OEM version is apparently just as good and more available so cheaper. SOLD -------------------------------------------------- Second a pair of Ei ECC81: Ignore the boxes - I suspect the M8162s left with the Manley Stingray when Chris sold it I can vouch for the sound of the Ei valves as my Croft uses a pair of Ei ECC83 and they sound simply superb, silky smooth and very musical. SOLD