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TBH, we all know that Blu-Ray will never take off. Sony will never market their product properly. You can see the "crappness" of all of sony's a/av media over the years that they have joint/singly invented. Ie CD SACD BETMAX and VHS (Sony and JVC pioneered the VHS, but sony sold the rights to JVC so sony could concentrate on their "superior" betamax) and so forth. Who here would actually buy either of the new AV formats, which would mean so soon after everyone has replaced therir VHS with dvds to upgrade so suddenly? FOr many people this would mean having to buy new AV processors which people have spent so much on so far... ANother thing that annoys me is how many people that have brought HDMI dvdps and SKY HD boxes while still not using a hd ready tv!! A lot of the general public think that just having a digital plasma or lcd telly is enough. I personally think that digital plasma or lcd tellys are -Worse- picture quality (when using analogue coneections) due to horrendous DAC (in cheap DVDps) to crap ADC in the newer digital tellys. Sorry for ranting :S
HD DVD's Hi all, i have a HD TV and a HD DVD player but as yet can't seem to track down any HD DVD's. Anyone have any idea when they'll be available?
I think you probably have an upscaling DVD player with an HDMI connection which has been mischeivously marketed as an HD DVD player. (If you live in UK, the aforementioned Samsung Blu-Ray player is the only true High Definition DVD player on the market at present)
blu-ray's big hope is the ps3. however most of the guys i know who are working on it hate it with a passion and sony are stabbing themselves repeatedly in the penis with the awful job they are doing of marketing it. my money is on blu-ray and hd dvd making minor impact until the price plummets, all the bugs are ironed out and universal machines start to appear - the next big thing in this area is going to be networked 'video' player / recorders able to play downloadable / streamed content.
Narabdela, my DVD player is a Denon 1920 and it says that it is a HDMI DVD player but perhaps you're right. Artist, how can HD DVD be dead when it hasn't even arrived? Does anyone know if and when HD DVD's other than Blue Ray will be available in the UK? Everytime i ask at my local HMV the answer i always get is "soon". The PS3 IMHO has already been blown out of the water by the 360, which looks superb in HD.
I'm sorry, but the Denon 1920 just plays normal DVDs with selectable upscaling. It doesn't play High-Def material. The HDMI output is a good quality connection, not a guarantee of a High-Def source . Unfortunately there is a lot of ignorance and deliberate mis-selling going on in the retail trade around this issue at the moment.
Because it's unnecessary and it's the wrong thing. DVD will be the last successful physical format. With the rise of on-demand television, hdd based DVRs, etc the shiny disc will not live forever. Things will move to subscription-based models, whereby you subscribe to a tv channel, a series or a film and once you have done so you can view that item, on-demand, wherever, whenever. Simply put, bandwidth will replace plastic.
How do you reach that conclusion? The PS3 footage I've seen looks much better than the Xbox and its far more powerful. Consoles come down to the games/marketing, not the graphics or choice of CD drive.
The PS3 looks pants from shots i've seen. Sony are also having loads of trouble with it hence delay after delay. New games on 360 such as Call Of Duty 3 and Gears Of War look and play amazingly. Just because PS3 has more power doesn't mean it'll be a better machine. From what i've read developers are having trouble realising all that power. To say that graphics have no bearing on consoles is just daft. Everyone wants next gen graphics as it adds to the whole gaming experience. Play Call Of Duty 3 on a HD TV and you'll know what i'm talking about. Obviously the gameplay still has to be there but graphics are important. If your not bothered about graphics then save your cash and but the new Nintendo, as they have always been ahead of Sony and Microsoft when it comes to gameplay. On top of that the PS3 will be twice the price of the 360 and will be nowhere near as good with online gaming as they simply don't have the experience. So, like i said the 360 has already blown the PS3 out of the water.
Give the ps3 a few months and you will eat your words. Sony can only do a few things well anymore - gaming is still one of them. Just make sure you get the 60Gb drive wireless version.
So why is it tosh? Come on then where's your arguement? Price will be it's downfall, people just won't pay that much when they can get a 360 for half the price. Microsoft will also release Halo 3 at the time of PS3 launch. Master Chief will kick it's arse, easy. Sony have missed the boat big style, and their online gaming will be pants. Gears Of War this Friday, see it and weep Sony girls. are listing HD discs. Currently the blu-ray player is about £900 although no discs are available here yet AFAIK. There are about 5 variations of HD player available. Although the official release date for the European model is end of this month, play are bundling an american player with 4 discs for £499. - IMO, the gen public are not ready for a completely new format, ie. blu-ray, currently not compatible with standard dvd. However, the HD players will play and upscale standard dvd's. - I know a few people with actual HD players and they do look truly fantastic. But I think the backwards compatibility will ultimately give it the edge from the general consumers point of view.