Hi Guys, Hope you can HELP! In an effort to eradicate the problems we have been having with email on hi-fiadverts.co.uk we have decided to bite the bullet, and implement a totally new site. This site is located at [URL="http://www.hifi-adverts.co.uk"]www.hifi-adverts.co.uk[/URL] the site is fully functioning apart from some tweeks so I would appreciate it if you would go and test it out, try and destroy it if you can, place adverts delete adverts whatever you want. What would really be appreciated would be some user feedback as ultimatly this will become the default site in the forthcoming weeks. The downside of this new site is that you will have to reregister and replace your current adverts if you have any with us at the moment as the databases cannot be transferred they are just too different. Anyway thankyou in advance for any help you can give us Rob