[IMG]http://www.thesoundpractice.co.uk/images/JC-banner.jpg[/IMG] There are many mains cleaners/power conditioners on the market today, each making its own claim to clean up your sound and brighten up your day. Some have been positively reviewed and some of them even work. But how many of them do the specific job that you require? Amplifiers come in many shapes and sizes and work in many weird and wonderful ways so naturally the demand they place on the wall socket differs from amp to amp. Whilst all cleaners will (should) attenuate RF noise to some degree, they are not necessarily dynamically optimised for your amplifier. There is no universal solution. The demand of a Boulder will be very different to that of a BorderPatrol for example. Quoting a current (Amp) rating and attenuation (dB) figures will only tell you how the conditioner behaves under steady state conditions on the test bench and not how it will behave when connected to a real world amplifier. The BorderPatrol Juicy Current is a mains cleaner specifically designed to work with Class A valve amplifiers. It is specifically optimised to work with the load presented by amplifiers of this type in real world conditions. It attenuates noise down to 10kHz which is in the audible frequency range rather than only working at radio frequencies (RF) and it incorporates a DC blocker to prevent saturation effects which means it will work all the time and not just some of the time. It is not a universal system cure-all because nothing is. It won't make the sun shine in December or turn your Volkswagen into a Mercedes Benz, but it will seriously improve the clarity, definition and listenability of your Class A valve amplifier in your home which will brighten up your day. [B][SIZE="4"]Come and hear the the UK debut of The Border Patrol Juicy Current at the Heathrow High Fidelity Show 29-30 March 2008.[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://www.thesoundpractice.co.uk/images/Valves.jpg[/IMG]