I am a proud owner of Warfedale Diamnond 9.1s which are great little speakers for a bedroom setup like mine. I have noticed that Argos also sell a load of cheap products under the Warfedale name. These are just rebranded Vestol/Beko etc products. I have ofted wondered why the owners of Warfedale speakers have allowed these cheap products to use their name. Well the instruction manaual for my speakers seems to have the answer. The warefedale name is being used under licence by a holding company which owns the name and licences it. In a few years time will Quad perhaps replace the Alba brand? Maybe NAIM could be used on cheap plasmas and Arcam on cheap £20 tesco HIFIs. It is a really sad state of affairs. It is a really better as Warfedale as a speaker company is probably stronger now than it has been since the 70's but people now think of it as a manufacturer of cheap TVs and not a serious loud speaker company (their most expensive speakers cost £14k). PS My parents own a Warfedale CRT TV its not too bad but cheaply made but as a Samsung tube. I am so glad that Cambridge Audio have survived this cheapening of brand names and if anything are again now stronger then they ever have been since the Audio Partnership took them over. To cut a long story short if you ever wondered why IAG has allowed the Warfedale brand to end up on Alba quality goods well it is because it seems IAG does not own the brand, it just licences it from the brands owner.